วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Patented Drugs - No permits for the sale of General Company

The Indian government will soon sell a system that produces more and prevent the marketing approval for generic versions of patented drugs in India. Consequently the company is no more generic to the approval of marketing for the launch of generic versions of drugs for which the patent is in force in India. Drug Controller General of India show in search of a list of patented drugs by pharmaceutical companies to patent rights valid in India, and a database for the preparation of suchPatents are not in conformity with the approval of the market until its generic versions, given to a patent right is in force in India.

Such a step will prevent the infringement and the counterclaim litigation for pharmaceutical companies in the Indian courts and requires that generic drug products file post grant / revocation proceedings prior to the patent, etc., is only after their application is accepted, may be used for marketing authorization of generic versions of the application. Furthermore, delaying the release ofClaims on the generating companies is the number of conflicts before granting file so that no patent is granted, the patent or at least delayed. This system will be ineffective if a market is already granted approval by the Indian authorities, in this case, the effective remedy to start infringement proceedings against the infringer.

Well, pharmaceutical companies entering India should be cautious, as you can be sure that all possible measures are taken toGeneric companies to delay the granting of patents in India. Furthermore, no pharmaceutical company would like your patent application is successfully opposed by lawyers inefficient, which are not plug the holes in the network. In India, there are a number of firms do work of intellectual property patents, have not talked to the legal interpretation of the statue, to the lack of lawyers with experience in court and did not effectively protect the legal interests of all customers . The most striking example is the way of the PreGrant appeal for Novartis and LG Life Sciences has been run by renowned companies in India IPR.

In addition to the above, require innovative pharmaceutical companies around the world, which reduces the time for submission and disposal prior to granting the opposition or down, at least in India, so that the application for the grant as soon as possible and the proposed system can walk, are used efficiently by the company.

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