วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Worrying changes to patent rules

On January 3, 2006 using the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (Patent Office) proposed amendments to current procedures patent application that will dramatically change the process for inventors and small companies seeking to patent protection. The proposed amendments also limit the ability of inventors to protect their inventions. The public can submit their feedback on these changes of May 3, 2006.

AMENDMENT NO. 1: The first amendment changes the current "continuation of the practice, limiting theNumber of matches that have inventors at the patent office. Moreover, the correspondence with the Patent Office may, but only under certain conditions.

AMENDMENT NO. 2: The second amendment modifies the current, "says the practice, limiting the number of credits that can be submitted for an invention that specifically ten o'clock credits for each application. The proposed amendment would severely limit the circumstances in which the additional requests may be submitted.

And 'interesting to note that the specifiedThe purpose of the amendments to reduce the backlog of the United Nations examined patent applications and to review the quality of the patent application. Unfortunately, these changes also bring two important effects:

• an increase in costs for patents
• Narrow PATENT

Among the proposed changes, only an inventor in the course of ten independent claims, even if the technology takes longer to be patented. The Patent Office said that applications can be submittedIf the inventor provides an opinion regarding why the invention in a search, but these can be expensive patented. Therefore, the inventor may accept the requirement strictly, is not sufficient to protect their invention. In addition, the inventor must seek patent protection on various aspects of their invention, while the costs can be prohibitive. Moreover, in cases where the patent is incorrectly rejecting the application, the inventor can only gotry instead of a costly appeal process to highlight the various aspects of the brilliant invention.

IMPACT ON QUALITY 'AND BACK LOG: The changes do not seem to be the objective of reducing the backlog of patent applications and to improve the quality of scope. Inventors where, in view of an examiner who does not understand the uniqueness of his invention would immediately file an appeal or request for such denial, rather than relying on its limited number of lotsthe examiner. As such, in a sense, the changes will be processed only shift the burden of the work of patent examiners to the Board and the complaint. Additionally, patent lawyers would file additional applications on the same invention describes the invention in various ways to manage change to increase the number of applications. As such, in another aspect may be to increase the number of patent applications.

Punish everyone because of a few: According to the patent office, only1.2% of applicants to operate abuse. The Patent Office has the right to practice a few candidates are identified, and propose changes that affect all candidates. Curiously, the Patent Office seems to punish all inventors resulting from the excessive use of the practice of a few.

Public reaction: feedback from individuals, patent attorneys, businesses and organizations presented range from complete acceptance of complete denial. Specified, for example, a comment that the patentOffice is not taking into consideration the impact the "real world uses and applications." Another comment on intellectual property, an association supported by the Patent Office's efforts to improve efficiency and test the quality of patents, but agreed that the proposed changes would achieve the desired results.

This information is for informational purposes only and not as legal advice available. Require legal review and analysis of its specific factualSituation.

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